Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Zap zap zap... Lazer Beams!!!!

Lazer Tag!!! I don't know if anyone is interested in perhaps spending an hour one day in OBX shooting Lazer beams at each other, but here's a commercial for a Lazer tag spot.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Yum! Who wants to eat??

Hey know, we're all gonna wanna stuff our faces on vacation, cause that's just part of the fun, right? Well, here's what we've come up with to try to save everyone a little hard earned cash, plus, just because it seems like a good way to do on...

I figure we will arrive at our destination somewhere around 5 or 6 pm, give and take traffic conditions as well as the time we will be sitting on our butts at the realtors waiting for our keys. Anyway, we're all going to be a bit tired and the idea of pizza or sandwiches the first night seems like a good one. Anyone agree? Let me know your thoughts!
Now, getting onto the rest of the week...Not counting Saturday night (our night of arrival) we have 6 days and nights to think about meals. (Sunday thru Friday)...Wednesday night of that week, we've all pretty much agreed that it would be way cool to do a big SEAFOOD FEST outside at the pool with Beer, Coleslaw and French Fries, and of course, Sea Food!!! If each couple can plan ahead of time what type of seafood they would like to contribute to this meal, we will have five different things to stuff into our bellies! Ideas include crab, shrimp, clams, fish, and whatever your favorite seafood happens to be. Oh, and hopefully we catch a few blues, sea-trout or whatever from the beach in the days preceding Wednesday night! I happen to be really looking forward to Wednesday night!! Ohhhh, let's not forget the RED SOLO CUPS! (lol)

We've decided to handle the rest of the meals in the following way...Each couple will be responsible for ONE Breakfast and ONE dinner and will buy the food as well as prepare it. These meals can be as simple or as elaborate as you desire, from cereals to pancakes or spaghetti to porkchops! YUM. You decide! Lunches and snacks will be left to each couple, in other words, buy your own snacks and lunches, of course if you decide to share, that won't be a problem either. This refers also to beverages, alcoholic or otherwise...Bring your own! We can always take home whatever we don't consume.

Think about all this and if you're really up to it, start sharing some comments, ideas or whatever, here on this blog. Geeez, you can even let us know what meals you want to prepare and when! I don't know about you but I'd like get my meals done early in the week, so I can sit back, relax and enjoy everyone else cooking for me!